It was a beautiful 80 degree Saturday here in Sacramento, CA!
Penny and I got some farming in as you can see.
This is her checking out the tomatoe plants.
The flowers are in bloom and spring has sprung! I have never seen so many ladybugs as I have this year. I am so thrilled!
I have a couple hummingbirds who drop by daily for drinks of water from fountain, and a snack from my flowers. That makes all the hard work worth it!
The tomatoes have flowers. The squash are all flowering and I will have some yellow squash on a few days.
Hubby ran power to the area I am installing a water pond. You can see the pond in the background. Pics soon.
I planted peas Friday and Jalapenos.
So far I have 6 tomato plants, strawberries, an eggplant, crookneck yellow squash, zucchini, a patty pan squash. Green beans, peas, sunflowers, radishes, various lettuce and greens, Jalapenos and rosemary, basil cilantro, and parsley. Whew! Planting carrots, and turnips today!
Happy Gardening!
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