Sunday, April 28, 2013

Spring has sprung!

It was a beautiful 80 degree Saturday here in Sacramento, CA!
Penny and I got some farming in as you can see.

This is her checking out the tomatoe plants.
The flowers are in bloom and spring has sprung! I have never seen so many ladybugs as I have this year. I am so thrilled!

I have a couple hummingbirds who drop by daily for drinks of water from fountain, and a snack from my flowers. That makes all the hard work worth it!

The tomatoes have flowers. The squash are all flowering and I will have some yellow squash on a few days. Hubby ran power to the area I am installing a water pond. You can see the pond in the background. Pics soon.

I planted peas Friday and Jalapenos.

So far I have 6 tomato plants, strawberries, an eggplant, crookneck yellow squash, zucchini, a patty pan squash. Green beans, peas, sunflowers, radishes, various lettuce and greens, Jalapenos and rosemary, basil cilantro, and parsley. Whew! Planting carrots, and turnips today!
Happy Gardening!

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Planting in the new beds.

This year I decided to expand my yard and plant more veggies. This is a after photo as we are building two additional veggie beds. The beds in front are from a few years back.

They contain tomatoes, strawberries, eggplant, zucchini squash, yellow squash and patty pans squash. String beans, soy beans, coming soon peas and sunflowers so far. In the new beds I plan to plant lettuce and carrots and radishes.

These are photos of the first to bloom iris plants. I was surprised thee bloomed because I transplanted these a month ago. Usually they won't bloom until the following year. They are so pretty!

This is a photo of the new fence along the back of my property.

Friday, April 12, 2013

Welcome to my garden!!

This is the first of many posts I hope to be able to do on this blog.